Collaborate with your Team,
and with AI

Collaborate with your Team,
and with AI

Collaborate with your Team,
and with AI

ChatGPT for Team Collaboration

ChatGPT for Team Collaboration

Shared team visibility

Instant real-time team collaboration. See everything everywhere all at once.

Multi-player spaces

Invite multiple people and AI personas to a single chat for compounded productivity.

New AI workflows

Stack, customize, and personalize new ways to engage with AI models and agents.

Supported LLMs

Supported LLMs

Work with Your Team

Work with Your Team

Work with Your Team

Optimize your team's workflow with dedicated team rooms, streamlined sharing within and outside your organization, and direct in-chat document collaboration.

Enhance efficiency with the ability to use and interact with multiple models in a single room, ensuring task-specific precision and balanced workload distribution.

Create Your Own Characters

Create Your Own Characters

Create Your Own Characters

Craft custom personas and assistants, embedding unique traits and specialized skills such as coding, web search, image generation, and knowledge integration.

Assign and manage tasks efficiently with the 'Assistant Team' feature, where your personas collaborate, delegate, and leverage the collective capabilities of multiple AI entities for enhanced productivity.

Manage Multiple Member Spaces

Manage Multiple Member Spaces

Manage Multiple Member Spaces

Administer multiple member spaces effectively. Set up distinct spaces for each project or team, tailor user roles and permissions, and stay updated with Slack-like notifications for Vello activity.

Simplify member invitations and management, ensuring smooth team coordination and project progression.

Upload Your Own Training Data

Upload Your Own Training Data

Enhance model precision by uploading your training data. Support for multiple file formats, including PDF, DOCX, TXT, and MD, allows for comprehensive data integration.

Utilize the URL fetch feature to directly incorporate content from webpages or PDF documents for model analysis. Further refine model performance through system message-based training.

Try Vello for Free Now

Open Vello


I remember joining quite early on and have truly enjoyed seeing Vello grow into a powerful tool. There have been multiple instances where Vella advanced my research by understanding my directions and providing helping aid.


I would like to express our gratitude from our small team for creating such a service as Vello AI. It is indeed very convenient and stable


I am loving it!


Thanks for the new update Vello team. It's awesome😃! You guys are awesome and work really fast. Thanks again, Vello Rocks!😎


First off, WOW, the interface, the features all of it is truly amazing. As someone who is non-technical, but uses generative AI everyday for work, this is exactly what I would have build for myself.


For me, vello is a fast, visually appealing, stable (this has been ensured in our communication), cost-effective, up-to-date, and feature-rich AI platform.


We’re a small team using Vello. Probably like 4-5 people that need to use it. We’re already starting to use the team space but will use it more heavily as we work it in.

Fair Pricing for Teams

Vello Plus




Generous chat limits with models

30 daily web, document, image


3 custom AI personas

4 spaces

Get Started

Vello Pro




Unlimited chats with all models

Unlimited web, document, image


Unlimited AI personas

Unlimited spaces

Prioritized support

Get Started

Vello Team




Everything in Vello Pro, for each

team member

Unlimited team AI personas

Unlimited team files & documents

Get Started

Start chatting now

Start chatting now

Start chatting now

© Vello Inc. 2023
